Sunday, March 21, 2010

Write a Caption

Okay, so I am on my way to work this morning and thought I would try something new for the posting today. I am going to post this picture and see what captions people can write for it and then choose a winner. And what will the winner receive? My undying thanks and appreciation, that's what. And if it goes well, maybe I can do it once a week and eventually give out a prize. I am thinking prizes like an all expenses paid vacation to the Bahamas or a dinner at Bobby Flay's restaurant or a $5 gift card to Starbucks. One of those. We'll see how it goes.

So, what is your caption for this cat with fruit on its head?


  1. Really? There's no Corona left?

  2. Confucius Kitty say, "Get this freaking fruit off my head."

  3. "I'll be your server. Today's special is melon dans un chapeau."

  4. ANTM contestant makes her make-over distain obvious - hates her new "Doo"!

  5. Chucky, catophied. Coming to a theater near you.

  6. Tired of the nieghbor's cat Sassy rearing up on her Tom Fefe decides to kick it into battle mode...

  7. Orange you supposed to be wearing a helmet?

  8. "Meloncat does not approve... of being dredged up from 2004."

  9. jajajaja what a funny picture, that cat look really ridiculous with that orange peel in it head, in my case I gonna named this pictures not as the cat with boots, is cat with peel helmet.


Thanks for your comments. I read every one. I post all of them unless it is mentioning my real name, where I work or the comment is solely to annoy me. If your name is Springs1, fuck you. It ain't gonna happen.