Monday, November 1, 2010

TAKE OUT, a kick ass short film

Someone sent me this great film and you all really need to see it. If you have ever waited tables, (and I know you have) you will totally get it. It's only six minutes long so do yourself a favor and watch it. Go here to see it on You Tube.

I wanna be her.


  1. wow, that was one crazy ass waitress xD

  2. aw shit, you know, I really don't like to advocate violence ... BUT I have SOOOO been there. WIN!

  3. That was AWESOME!!! Thanks for sharing. :)

  4. YES! We need more role models like "Red" for young women these days! Go girl!

  5. Loved it. Anyone in the food service or any job where you forced to deal with fuck face customers have had day dreams about taking them all out like that.

  6. I think I just found my happy place for my next shift.

  7. Awesome!

    Wish I could do that to a few certain co-workers of mine.

  8. Magically fucking delicious! I'm going to go dye my hair red.

  9. She needs to work on her people skills... Since I would have done the same thing, I let other people handle my customers... It seemed safer for everyone...

  10. She needs a Xanax and a 72 hour hold...that was intense!

  11. Eh, that happened to me once in the 70's. A stint in the nut hut cured it.

  12. Your timing posting this is amazing as I just walked out of my job, where I served "gourmet" pizza and was routinely called "Red" and told that I'd be prettier if I smiled. In retrospect, I wish I'd made more of a scene on my last day, although maybe not THIS extreme. You always make me giggle, but this post is too perfect!


Thanks for your comments. I read every one. I post all of them unless it is mentioning my real name, where I work or the comment is solely to annoy me. If your name is Springs1, fuck you. It ain't gonna happen.