Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas from The Bitchy Waiter

It's Christmas day and you don't have anything better to do than to be reading this lame ass posting that I am pulling out if my ass? Go have yourself another mimosa and a second piece of pecan pie immediately. And if you are looking for something a little bitchy for Christmas, might I suggest you go watch this video of a horrible Mrs. Claus? I think it exemplifies Christmas from The Bitchy Waiter point of view.

Merry Christmas!

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  1. I am running a fever, have nothing festive cooked because I was going elsewhere; there is no liquor in the house; my flash player won't work. So, I am eating chocolate and potato chips and reading blogs. I really do have a life, sometimes.

    Merry Christmas

  2. Thank goodness we have Christmas off right! Christmas time is good for that anyway!...for sure!


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