Every year, there is some one at work who uses the old "I forgot to change my clock routine" and that pisses me off. And by the way, that excuse only works in the spring. I once worked with this dumb ass bitch who showed up an hour late to work when we set the clocks back. She breezed in an hour late and was all, "Oh my God, am I late?? (exasperated intake of breath) Oh shit! I forgot to change the clocks, I am so so so sorry!" Yeah, bitch, nice try. If you really forgot to move your clock back, then you would be early, not an hour late. Thank you for playing, please try again. Or maybe it's the fall when that excuse works. I really have trouble understanding it. It reminds me of algebra and geometry class with Mrs. Krebs. She would explain it to me but it would just go in one ear and out my asshole. My brain just can't wrap itself around certain concepts like math, time, physics, employment, Republicans and empty vodka bottles.
So go change your clocks. Spring forward, bitchs, don't fall back. And that's another thing. Wouldn't it be just as easy to say "fall forward and spring back?" How the hell are we supposed to keep track of time? Who the hell are we? Doc Brown from Back to the Future? Enjoy your day, sleepy heads.

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Thanks for reminding me. I am still good on some of my clocks that I just never changed in the fall. I knew it would be okay if I just waited a bit.
It's another two weeks before we change ours, thanks for the reminder.
If we had gone to the same high school, I'd leave a comment here saying "I loved Mrs. Krebs. She was my second favorite teacher, next to Mrs. Svetlik."
I find its impossible to miss out on Daylight Savings. There is always someone (parent, friend, coworker) reminding you the week of, the day before, and via text message that night. LOL.
time is relative...
relatives waste your time...
it doesnt matter if you spring forward or fall back...
i still do not get back the time i spend with my relatives....
Actually, I was late because of a clock snafu when we set the clocks back! All my clocks automatically update, but I wanted a comparison so I'd know that they updated. So before I went to bed that night, I plugged in my old alarm clock and set it an hour behind my phone. When I woke up, it was still an hour behind my phone, so I set my phone back an hour and went about my business. Then I turned on my computer and saw that it was two hours ahead of my phone and realized my phone had updated BEFORE I set my alarm clock -- so I'd set my phone back two hours instead of one, and was supposed to be at work in five minutes.
Whoops! :)
I honestly do forget every time. BUt unlike your co-worker, this does mean I'm an hour early once a year. Why can't they just leave it be?
Back to the Future is the best movie ever. That is all.
I live in Saskatchewan (think Corner Gas, if you've ever seen it) and we don't have DST at all. I think it's because our province is so flat. : (
One time I was the bitch who came in an hour late after daylight savings. My thoughts were, "Good thing for daylight savings or else I would have been TWO hours late". Sunday Brunch mixed with Saturday night pity parties, never pretty.
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