As I was walking my dog this morning, I was visually assaulted by an 18-wheeler cruising through my neighborhood. On it was a giant picture of a cartoon pig along with the words "Porky: Servicing the Food Industry." Now maybe I am just a dirty minded old man, but when I hear the word "servicing" I imagine someone on their knees providing oral stimulation to one of their dear close personal friends or a stranger they met in the bathroom of a
Chipotle Mexican Grill. So of course, I went there. My mind conjured up an image of a line of waiters, bus boys, kitchen crew and managers all patiently waiting for their turn with someone named Porky. Now I assume what this Porky company actually does is provide food supplies to restaurants, but to me Porky just presents the wrong image. I can't help but think of the 1982 classic film,
Porky's. (Since it was released way before I was born, I have only seen it on DVD, by the way.) But if I called Porky Products to enquire about the cost of some frozen chicken fingers and the receptionist answered with a perky, "Thank you for calling Porky, how can I service you?" all I would be able to think about would be that scene from
Porky's the movie when Miss
Balbricker is holding onto that guy's penis through a hole in the girls bathroom. I'd have to stifle a giggle and then hang up, because, yes, I really am
that immature.
I also wonder how this company has managed to have a big cartoon pig as their logo and not have the fiery breath of Warner Brothers coming down on them for defiling the image of Porky the Pig. I would think they would come down on them so fast that
Porky's ham hock ass would spin. A few years ago I was selling on eBay some painting of various Monopoly cards and I got a cease and desist order from Parker Brothers.

I was only selling these things for about twenty bucks, but they had their lawyers all over my ass. But Warner Brothers doesn't care that there is another Porky the Pig out there? And instead of stuttering, this Porky sells slabs of bacon and ham? And that's another thing. I don't want to see a
cartoon pig selling me
real pig. It's gross. It's like the pig is saying, "Hey, I'm a pig, so fry my bacon ass up and serve me with a side of grits and some eggs. Or you can take my rump and put it in a slow cooker for dinner. Or why not slice up my rinds and put them in a bag and eat them the next time you are watching World Class Wrestling or
NASCAR? I'm the other white meat!"
Okay, enough. I just had to get that out of my
system. Th-Th-Th-Th-Th-... That's all, folks. And
speaking of pigs.
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A dirty mind is a terrible thing to waste.
On that note, a friend of mine wants out of the food industry so I helped her fill out an application for a county government posistion. After she submited the app, she got an email that said, and I qoute:
"if you application is approved you will have one or more oral interviews."
My mind instantly went to gutter and I almost fell out of my chair laughing. I hope you enjoy this as much as I enjoy your blog.
BAHAHAHA! I love me some bacon, but now that image is going to be ingrained in my memory. Oh gosh, lovely Mexican Grill bathrooms…
H h h h h hilarious! I'm gettin' the same vision of the servicing pig, and I was old enough to see it in theatres!
Please please please post a picture of your dog! What breed is it? What's it's name?
oops. sorry. its, not it's.
Porky's is on DVD?!
oh and yes "servicing" always has the same connotation for me to.
Being a major perv I totally thought what you did about pork and servicing. ...As for Warner Brothers, now that they no longer have the cash cow that is Charlie Sheen (Warlock or whatever the hell he is calling himself today), don't be surprised if they DO go after that pork company and their piggy logo trucks.
I always found it weird to promote a certain meat with the smiling happy image of the animal you're going to butcher and eat. Don't think the animal is very happy. Also why do they always picture the animal eating the meat, never seen a cannibalistic pig. Weird idea.
I can relate to the author’s humorous take on a potentially suggestive company name.
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