According to the vast amount of research I have done (I Googled it), lion meat is not illegal and it is $100 a pound so these tacos would be cost prohibitive for me anyway. Unless that shit is on the dollar menu, I don't want it. I suppose it is technically no different from a beef enchilada, chicken fajitas or a fish taco. (Which are are disgusting by the way. I tried a "fish taco" my sophomore year in college when I was really drunk. Her name was Laura.) I guess the main difference is that we don't normally eat lion. Or tiger. Or bear. Maybe I find it shocking because I grew up eating Hamburger Helper and I am used to the idea of eating cows. Maybe there is a place in the world where a lion sandwich is a perfectly acceptable lunch. I also wonder why we call it "hamburger" and not just "cow." I order a chicken sandwich but not a cow sandwich. This post is confusing me.
The day after I discovered the lion taco place, they came out and said they were taking it off the menu because of all the flack they got. The owner of the restaurant probably never even intended to sell the damn tacos in the first place. He just wanted some press and he got it. No word yet on what their next exotic taco on Wednesday will be.
"Would you like hot or mild sauce with your tacos de penguin?"
"Mild, please. And can I have extra penguin but the guac on the side?"
"Si, senora."
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I would be 'lion' if I said a couple "eating feline" jokes came to mind, but I'll leave those alone.
That's too bad that they are taking if off the menu. I was actually really interested in trying that. I don't see how eating a lion is any different from any other kind of meat. I love trying new and exotic foods and that was on my list. I was really wanting to take a trip there the next time I was in that area!
Oh poor Laura...we can't help that we were born with fish tacos! ;)
I actually really love fish tacos (actual ones, not the ones of the "Laura" variety!). I dont think I could do the lion ones but to each his own! Now Bison, I can eat!
Your blog posts repeat themselves like day old tacos, topped with tangy jism.
Did you know that there is a gay mafia in NYC?
Probably not. You hide & snip heels.
Sweet Laura Jane: what are you talking about?
I have a feeling Sour Laura Jane would be a better name for someone...
Beef Meximelts are my favorite menu item at Taco Bell.
I didn't think it was legal to sell carnivore meat. We eat grazers and prey but rarely the predator because the meat is not as succulent and can contain poisons and parasites ingested from other animals they have eaten. Although I sincerely believe you, above all, could handle whatever came your way...
Have you seen this? :o
There was a Taco Johns ad on this post. I found that pretty awesome since I too love tacos. In fact, every week, I go to Taco Johns for Taco Tuesday. Taco Johns ad + the fact that today is Tuesday = fate. Or something.
I can't see putting lions in a taco. Deep frying it & serving it with ranch? OK. But tacos? No.
This post makes me hungry for a taco. Possibly fish, even though the aside about Laura dampened my enthusiasm for them a tad.
When I eat meat I think about what that meat eats. That is part of why I really don't like fowl, of any kind. I know dumb.
Eating cat eeeeewwwww.
Raccoon, bear, squirrel, opossum, frog legs all eeewwwww.
Not sure why I love Lobster.
This story was in the Chicago Sun Times a few days ago. I couldn't believe it, either. Did you hear the latest about Taco Bell? I heard a story today that basically said they can no longer call their beef "beef," because it's only 35% beef. The rest is filler. WTF?
No on the lion tacos. There aren't enough of those beasts left in the world for them to be an an exotic taco menu. ... Poor Laura and her unwanted fish taco ; )
I am passing on to you the LOL award because you're freaking awesome. Your turn to pass the torch; instructions on my blog.
I agree with you that he wanted some press and he got it. Smart Business man!!
Tacos should contain either chicken or beef only and random veggies or sauce. I recently had my first shrimp taco. It came out of a truck and was made by some koreans, so it was like an Asian version of a shrimp taco. Only in LA.
in any cayse "This post is confusing me". LMAO
This blows bubbles. Every since I moved to Arizona three years ago, the state has been all over the news. I need to go back to Michigan where nothing happens...Damn. They're constantly in the news too. Seems like I can't hide from the press. Bristol Palin lives down the street from me. Bummer
Eating lion is not illegal? I never heard of people actually eating lions. Are there even enough lions left?
We don't have taco bell in Europe, too bad, tacos look so good
I think Id have to pass on eating a taco with Lion in it. I prefer not to eat meat that once upon a time was an animal that ate meat lol. Of course I do eat some fish and whatnot and those things eat all sort of shit. But I suppose if push came to shove and I was starving Id eat it that damn lion.
On our cross-country drive (well, half-cross, since it was TX to PA) we stopped at almost every Dunkin' Donuts we saw, also hungry or not. Because I can't get that here.
That's probably why my jeans fit funny now.
LOL, fish taco named Laura.
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