Thursday, October 11, 2012

A Comment on Comment

 I may be opening a big can of worms smothered in Ranch dressing here, but I'm going to do it anyway. On a recent post called Bitch of the Month, a comment came in from a very familiar source. It annoyed me for a couple of reasons. The post was about the joy that I experienced when I was (questionably) awarded Employee of the Month at my job.  Not only did the commenter steal the focus of that amazing event, she also made me vom in my mouth when I saw that she was commenting again. The comment came from Springs1 and it read as follows:

"As soon as I finish my phone call, play my Words With Friends turns, eat a handful of Goldfish, finish my wine and update my Twitter, I take her check to her."Do you need change?" I ask."Yes," she says all curt like I have inconvenienced her by asking her a simple little question."


YOU NEVER ASK IF SOMEONE WANTS THEIR CHANGE LAZY!! YOU ARE VERY LAZY. Even a server admitted it that it was because of LAZINESS why servers ask this.


Okay. This crazy fucking bitch has high jacked many of my blog posts leaving insane comment after insane comment. On this post, Are Your Customers as Stupid As Mine Are, she left over 75 comments, many of them longer than the post itself. They clogged my inbox and irritated me and everyone else who saw them.  As for the above comment, does she have no sense of humor? Does she not get it? It's a joke, lady. Over the years she has called me immoral, lazy, disgusting, evil, rude, entitled and many more names. Now it's my turn:

SPRINGS1, You are the crazy one. This is my blog and I can say what I want. I don't mind people leaving comments about how they disagree with me. I don't even mind when people call me names because I do that too. What I do mind is that your comments come in sometimes at 10 or 15 a day and I spend way too much time sifting through your crap to see if anyone else had something interesting to say. I know you are an attention seeking Ranch dressing loving crazy fucking bitch and you crave the responses. We all know that you have a Google alert set up so that any time someone types your name in the Internet, you can go and see what people had to say about your crazy ass. I don't get what your problem is. I don't understand you and I don't know how you find the time to write 500 word comments. Do you not have a job? Or maybe you do have a job and your pimp and your Johns don't mind you typing on your iPad while you get finger banged. You have annoyed me for the last time.

Over the years, I have let my comments be pretty open. I very rarely moderate them because I truly felt okay with people saying whatever they want to say. That has changed. As of this post, every comment will now need to be approved by me. That's right, Springs1, you can comment all you want and no one will ever see it on this blog because I will just delete that bullshit before it gets posted. Sorry that your Google alert has sent you to a dead end where you can gain no attention. Find someone else to bother.  And just in case you didn't get what I was saying, Springs1, let me type this in a way that you will understand:

You are immoral AND LAZY AND CRAZY.!!!!! I do not like *******YOU******** AND *******YOU******** WILL never ever be allowed to leave another ******COMMENT***** on The BITCHY WAITER.!11!!!!1 I THINK *****YOU******* pussy smells bad AND it probably looks even worse.!111!1!! I bet it has Ranch DRESSING COMING out OF it.!1!1!!! You say ******YOU***** tip 25-30% FOR good SERVICE but I bet ******YOU******** *****NEVER***** get service that *****YOU****** consider good.!!!1! That would be BECAUSE *******YOU**** are A maniacal CRAZY ASS bitch who has serious mental ISSUES.!!!!1 Good bye, ******YOU***** sorry piece of SHIT.!!1!!!!

The Bitchy Waiter


Supposedly, this is a picture of Springs1. I dunno for sure because someone sent it to me, but it's good enough for me. If you see this woman, be very careful. She may smell like rancid Ranch. If this is not her, I apologize to the woman. You're very gorgeous, whoever you are.


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The Bitchy Waiter said...

I am not happy about moderating comments.

Anonymous said...

I love you

Anonymous said...

Perfectly put Bitchy Waiter, I love the rhetoric. Sounds like this heffer has too much time on her hands and should spend at least a week waiting tables. Perhaps she could do so and get a little life experience instead of sitting safely behind her screen waiting for more ranch!

Tempy said...

You are the BEST

Anonymous said...

That was awesome!

Anonymous said...

I've always hoped that Springs 1 is some kind of performance art.

Sherry QuiteContrary said...

"typing on your iPad while you get finger banged. " hahahahahahahahahaha

Anonymous said...

Finally the cray-cray ho will be gone. BTW bitchy, if i wrote a blog, it would look just like yours.

Anonymous said...

Have you read Springs1's blogs? Clearly Springs1 is the one with an entitlement problem.

Kira said...

Sucks that you have to moderate your , but it's probably for the best. It'll keep that frothing twat from posting all over your blog, and the fact that it will piss her off to no end will just make it better.

MaeZ said...

BW, your blog brightens my day.

Amanda said...

I'm sorry you have to mod now, Bitchy. Fuck her, there are many of us out here who love you.

Is there a way to ban just her or block her IP or something? said...

At the end of the day, moderating your comments will be far less frustrating than dealing with a creep like her.

Keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

i love you!!

Anonymous said...

Love you, BW!!!

Jenn42 said...

She should join forces with JA and that high and mighty perfect waitress from that diner in Jersey....small roomful of crazy right there!

Bar wench said...

(Initiating 80s style slow clap) Huzzah, bitchy waiter!

Lindz said...

So...I've never, in 15 years of bartending/serving, heard that is is rude/lazy to ask someone if they need change. I consider it being efficient. (Especially since some customers don't know how to use the slot in the check presenter for credit cards so the card sticks out and we can see it so it gives you the chance to find out if they are ready to finish checking out.)We have enough multi-tasking to do. We save steps wherever we can.

Anonymous said...

If you can be bothered to read springs personal blog , not only will you see that she has a borderline personality disorder with major entitlement issues , you will also notice she doesn't also see servers as human beings, she rants constantly on how "her highness" should be served while in a restaurant, not counting the fact that there are other customers in the restaurant who also deserve decent service, she says, "Don't make conversation with me" showing severs are nothing but in human robots to her, says "get whatever I want done immediately" showing she has major issues with having to share a server with other members of the public (showing lack of consideration for others), she also yells at her readers who make comments on her blog (showing she thinks she has a superior opinion to other peoples views). This is one crazy bitch for sure, strangely enough, the rest of her blog focuses on driving (showing she's probably a major road rager). Stay as absolutely far away from this person as you can, her anger issues with the service industry probably has a lot to do with her attitude when dining in a restaurant, servers are not stupid, they can see a "type A" personality right from the start and generally don't care to make an effort to serve these types of people nicely or efficiently, or even care what kind of tip their going to get from her, they can smell it a mile away, this type of person LOOKS for a reason not to have to tip, I dont believe for one second she leaves a decent tip anywhere, like I said before this person has way too many entitlement issues. Fortunately for the rest of us, and the civilized world, you will all be happy to know that most "type A" personalities never live past the age of 60 due to their anger issues eating away at them and giving them a 40% shorter life span than us easy going people, that, and the fact she guzzles ranch dressing and sodas like crazy makes her life span even shorter. (one small saving grace for the rest of us)

Anonymous said...

fortunately for the rest of us, between her "type A" personality and her constant guzzling of ranch dressing and sodas, her life expectancy is only about another 12 years or so, (I can wait)

Anonymous said...

That was soooo funny! :)

Anonymous said...

You know you've made it when you get psycho trolls on your site. It still sucks though!

JoeinVegas said...

Sorry that you have to do that, but thanks for relieving us of her rants.

Danielle Pikul said...

You are amazing. But more remarkable, you have the patience of a saint seeing as it took you SO long to really let her have it. Kudos!

megaphon said...

I abandoned my blog because of her comments. It just got to me.

mary i said...

I am one of your fans. Sorry crazy person had to ruin it! I find you refreshing funny and to the point. I am no longer in the field of server but, relate to your sense of humor. Keep on Keeping on, and oh yeah congrats on EOM! Hey from Alabama.

Colleen said...

I am eternally grateful for you showing me this nutbucket! I just googled that Springs1 name to read more about her and I just can't. I just can't. What a NUT!

klovelady said...

Please post a link to her blog so we can all comment on her!

sunkissis said...

This Springs1 person has quite unreasonable food service expectations. Everyone makes mistakes, if she chooses to dine out, she needs to spend more time focused on her husband and less time timing the wait staff. I don't understand the idea that if a mistake is made, you should deserve to get your meal free or discounted, unless you were unable to eat your meal, why wouldn't you pay for it? Springs1 appears to be lonely in life or else she wouldn't put so much energy in ranting/arguing online *I feel sorry for her poor caps lock button*. The conviction in her arguments come off as bi-polar. I have never eaten at a restaurant and had an experience so horrible that "it hurt my feelings" or felt the server intentionally was out to be mean to me, but then again, I'm a nice person so my kindness and patience are often reciprocated. I don't believe in the philosophy of earning a tip, if you provide me a service whether you are a server, delivery person, giving me a pedicure/manicure or wax at a spa or driving me in a taxi or shuttle, I'm going to tip you, not because of the level of service but because you did your job. I even try to tip the kids who help me load my car with groceries but they aren't allowed to accept them. Even the best of us have bad days, no one is perfect but I always leave a full 20% and up tip, because it's the right thing to do. I guess I just understand that it's a hard job *my best friend is a waitress* so I treat others like I would her to be treated. I joke with her all the time to give every customer a BJ and a smile so she can bring home at least $60 during her long, tiresome shift. You can't please everyone, all the time. I truly believe Springs1 is a malcontent. I'm glad you took the mike from her hand.

Morgaine Fey @Purji said...

I am sort of impressed that anyone has that much time on her hands.

However, I cheer you on in your venture to keep the crazy from your door. If you wanted to read weird shit like that, you could seek it out yourself.

Keep doing what you do; it is awesome.


Kitten with a Whisk said...

Bravo, Bitchy. Bravo.

I've seen this person do the same thing to other bloggers and it is just insane.

Ann said...

Is there some way you can block her comments?

Anonymous said...

I just sprayed coffee all over my keyboard. Thanks a lot Bitchy. Can I get a refill?

Chrissy said...

I looked up "springs1" in photobucket and that seems to be the real deal. You can actually see the entitlement in her pictures. Love you BW, you keep on bitching!

jaimez1313 said...

Thank GOD you blocked that bitch. What a waste of internet space she is. Funny though, somehow I pictured her as a crazy cat lady looking white woman. Huh. Congrats on your award Bitchy! We love you!

Anonymous said...

Oh, that was just the best picture of her. The others are much more homely. (And, god help us, it looks like she's a breeder!)

Anonymous said...

I'm surprised you held back in your assessment of this person. You didn't point out her exceptionally ugly baby.

Anonymous said...

OMG...Is she still around?? I thought that some food service worker woulda shot her by now!

Maou said...

oh my god... So I went and read some posts on her blog.

"That's YOUR OPINION. I like chain restaurant food BETTER than fancy crap. You may think it's crap the stuff I eat a chains, but I think it's SO GREAT. I don't care for fancy foods like filet mignon. It's ok, but I'd rather have cheese sticks, burgers, ranch, french fries, etc. It's like WHY eat that if you can eat something that taste better and is just as bad for you. Because steak is bad for your heart just as a hamburger is."

Classy lady, that Springs1 is.

chacha1 said...

I love you BW.

You are much more patient/tolerant than I am, despite your moniker. I tagged a commenter as SPAM (so that she would never sully my comments again) after a mere 20 comments. And she wasn't even as hateful as Springs1.

kileyjae said...

Out of pure curiosity...I read some of her blogs (wishing I had a margarita or five just to get through them!)


Then I look at the dates...2006 to 2011. So....she has been writing (read: bitching) for at least SIX years. The same thing over and over and over again. SIX years and she still hasnt just ' let it go'. What a sad, miserable life she must have.

Three things I remember my Mom telling me:

1. Dont sweat the small stuff
2. Some people are just toxic and should be avoided at all costs
3. People who have to resort to cussing & name calling to get their point across...has no valid arguement.

I think next time I am on a restaurant and my waiter is a bit 'put off' when they greet me...I am just going to assume SHE (or someone like her) is in their section and have a bit of compassion (a word I seriously doubt SHE even knows the meaning of!).

I am not, nor ever have been, nor (I doubt) ever will be a Server. I was soo tempted to reply to her rants as a Customer too.

No....dont ask me if I want bread (or chips) if its automically comes with the food. No....dont ask me of I want a refill. (If I dont, I will politely say No Thanks...I am good)
No....I dont time my waiters on how long it takes to get my drinks or clear my plate once I put my fork down.
No...I dont really pay attention who was there a minute before me, who got their drink 30 seconds before me, or feel superior because I got my drink before someone who 'should' have gotten their drink before me.
No...I dont take 'points' off the tip for not bringing me enough ranch, or extra napkins, or waiting my turn so waiters can take care of other customers, or lingering at another table for a minute longer than at mine, or for putting a Smiley Face on my bill.
No.....I dont ignore my spouse to keep tabs on what my waiter is or is not doing...just so I can say 'gotcha'! and whip out my checklist and how many points to take off my tip.

If 99% of customers have NO problem with your service....yet SHE finds fault with 99% of the service each time..SHE is the problem!

SHE is just a bitch, looking for problems/screw ups, so she can feel superior in her own little world in her own little mind.

(On a side note...after first reading your blog, and the comments that followed, I figured all Waiters/Servers hated all Customers and felt as if I were intruding on their precious time. Then I remembered something else Mom always said: You cannot change someone elses attitude...but you can change yours! So, now, I read your blogs and comments as a Learning Experience on what to do...or not a restaurant settimg. I am hoping it makes BOTH our experience a better one.)

Anonymous said...

Wow, it's really messed up when it's LESS work for you to monitor and pre-approve every single comment, than to sift through and remove Spring's stuff.

I've seen her comments, and think your actions are absolutely appropriate. If this weren't the internet, you'd be justified in getting a restraining order against her.

This is probably a dumb question, but isn't there some way to just block her user name or ip address or something? I would think the software for comment sections would have a function like that. I'm not a tech person, though, so feel free to correct me.

Sabrina said...

I have seen her comment incessantly on several occasions and started skipping her many loooong drawn out bs stories entirely. After your very welcomed admission that your tired of it and blocking her now, I just had to Google her, I didn't want to give her the attention, but, I had to see what else she does with her amazing amount of free time and I am much less than impressed. Good for you!! My thumb will now be free of cramps from scrolling down the page to get past her inane self entitling elitest observations. Loooove your blog and I look forward to it always.

Jennifer Kay said...

I LOVE sticking it to the bitches who only want to publicly hate on my blog...comment until the cows come home Little Miss Ranch Clam cuz you ain't gettin' no more of the Bitchy Waiter's spotlight!

Unknown said...

Bitchy, I love you, my friends love you, my boss even (secretly) reads your blog. Coming home at the end of my babysitting (pronounced "bartending") shift, and being able to read about your day and the jerks that you had to deal with helps keep us all sane. Thank you for being you, and thank you very very much for having the testicular fortitude to post it for the world to see. Springs1 is clearly a douche... You are a fantastic individual and many, many of us love you for telling this duck-faced skank to take her overly lip glossed self and go suck one.

Unknown said...

I love your blog...... Hilarious and amazing!

Anonymous said...

Wow. Just block her IP or send her to spam. Then you won't have to moderate. No need to cause yourself pain. She'll come back as somebody tho, but at least you've pissed her off.

Reading your blog, I now sort of understand why my friends never encouraged my ideas of being a server for a while. Everybody said NO, NOT YOU. I'm incapable of shutting off the sarcasm. I didn't realize there was so much to the job, pre BW blog.

Bitchy Britt said...

I bet Springs1 came home one night and found her husband in bed with the waitress that served them the night before. I'm also willing to bet that the waitress spit in her ranch dressing.

Brittany said...

You are so sassy, I love it lol. <3 My boyfriend doesn't really understand my obsession with The Bitchy Waiter but I go to your page every single day and you never let me down. I'm not a fan of bullying but I think most of what you do is in a joking manner, so do you boo-boo lol. <3

Little redhead said...

No worries bitchy, you had no other choice, that crazy lady would have never stopped. I bet she's in a super rage now, sending you a million comments just to annoy you, but thankfully she'll probably give up soon now that she won't be getting any more attention.
How anyone thinks you'll be taken seriously if you type like a 5-year old is beyond me.

Samson said...

Does anyone know if doctors perform lobotomies these days?
Dr Walter Freeman worked with that during 1930s - 50s on violent mental patients, but stopped when medication became a better alternative. He took an icepick, hammered it through the skull behind the eye and wiggled it around a bit. Unpleasant, but it worked on a few at least...

Spring1 seems to be a good candidate for this procedure - it would make her docile, free of anxiety and remove the obsessive behavour. The downsides is from juvenile and inappropriate behavour (not an issue with Spring1 since she already have these symtoms) to catatonic and/or turning into a "vegetable".

What do you think?

Anonymous said...

Oh my god, they have a Springs1 translator. lol


Anonymous said...

She looks like a "before" picture ..

Good riddance, BW. Well done.

Unknown said...

There is something seriously wrong with that crazy bitch. She will probably start a new blog just so she can whine about yours now that she's not allowed here anymore!
As far as I'm concerned, our small, bad corner of the universe is better cuz you're in it.

Anonymous said...

*shivers down my spine*


Anonymous said...

So Springs1 has been booted from another site? Big surprise. May she choke on a bag of dicks smothered in ranch dressing. I hope to God she is reading these comments and losing her mind because she can't reply with her usual cunty comments.

the crappy craterist said...

A message to Springs1

SPRINGY, *****8****YOU ARE AN IDIOT1!!!!!!I DON'T ******UNDERSTAND YOU***!!!11!!!111!GET OFF OF THE ************WEB NOW**************YOU HAVE NO LIFE!!!!!!111!!11!!! I CAN'T STAND YOU!! YOU HIJACK THE COMMENTS ****SECTION******** OF EVERY GODDAMN BLOG AND IT DRIVES EVERYONE ABSOLUTELY NUTS when we are trying to read decent responses!!!111!!!1!!1


Pierre Doucet said...

Hey bitchy, I'm wondering if you could update us on whether or not she's been flooding you with messages that were refused for this thread? Has she commented on having her (assumed) picture up for the world to see?

I'm not a big supporter of 4chan, but if there was ever someone who would be worthy of them torturing her relentlessly, it's her.

Unknown said...

This totally doesn't relate to this post, but I thought you'd be interested to know that I'm writing a paper for my Expository Writing class on what it's like to be a waitress and how much of a buttfuck it is that I get paid $2.13, and I used your "Mr. Potato Head Wants Potato Skins" entry as a source. Seriously, summarized and analyzed that shit. Teacher loved it. I'll send it to you if you want to feel famous. Waddup.

Unknown said...

This doesn't relate to this post, but I thought you'd be interested to know that I'm writing a paper for my college writing class on the clusterfuck that is waiting tables and I used your "Mr. Potato Head" entry as a source. Seriously, summarazed and analyzed that shit, teacher loved it. I'll send it to you if you want to feel famous. Waddup. (also, sorry if this sent twice. blogger was being a dildo.)

The Bitchy Waiter said...

Baby! I love it. I totally want to read it. My email address is

Anonymous said...

This Springs lady is INSANE. Don't the nurses make sure patients take their daily medication????

Anonymous said...

This sums up fucking fat ass Springs1. "While I understand that, I feel 30% of the lower bill is more appropriate rather than going by the original bill. This way it's still FAIR. What you are doing is tipping in an unfair manner making the servers always win. It's just not right or fair to tip in that manner." Why does she not want servers to 'win'? I wasn't aware that we were playing a game. FAIR? What the fuck is that? Does it cause her vaginal warts to explode when any server in any part of the world gets a decent tip? That fat, crazy bitch needs to be committed to a nuthouse that doesn't serve ranch dressing.

Read more:

Anonymous said...

Have you seen this "Springs1 Translator"? Hilarious! We can finally understand her language.

Anonymous said...

I had her lash out at me on my blog about how much of her time I waste by doing silent refills. The post was titled "How to increase tips - Tip 7".

There is no point in trying to reason with her because her own opinion is the only one that matters or counts in her eyes.

What bugs me is that she has never worked in a restaurant before, she just eats out 2-3 times a week.

Anonymous said...

I had her lash out at me on my blog about how much of her time I waste by doing silent refills. The post was titled "How to increase tips - Tip 7".

There is no point in trying to reason with her because her own opinion is the only one that matters or counts in her eyes.

What bugs me is that she has never worked in a restaurant before, she just eats out 2-3 times a week.

Anonymous said...

Everyone has a Springs1 in their life, Bitchy. Everyone tells me to ignore people like that. I like your method better :)

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