Friday, July 29, 2011

And the Winner Is...

The Bitchy Waiter Photo Contest has found its winner. After days and days of voting, one photo had more "likes" than anyone else. Congratulations to Diane H. who came up with the brilliant masterpiece you are seeing to the left of this post. Diane obviously spent hours perfecting her PhotoShop skills to manufacture this wonderful image. How many hours did she spend creating this one of a kind piece of art? We shall never know. What we do know is that she had a total of 125 "likes" and that she will win the grand fucking prize of a $25 gift card to Amazon. It's not a huge prize and when you break it down to how much time she probably spent making the image, it means she made about $2.50 an hour, just like a waitress! The most important thing is that she got lots of her friends to join the fun over at the Bitchy Waiter Facebook Page and that makes me happy. Diane, you will be contacted today.

I would also like to make mention of our second place winner, Suzie who received 96 "likes" for her image. I will be honest. I was rooting for Susie all the way because she had so many specific references to Bitchy Waiter posts. Sadly though, Suzie did not have enough friends to come over and click "like." Sorry you are a tiny bit friendless, Susie. (I joke!) As a consolation prize, I am posting your photo here so the world (okay. the 700 people who read this) can see your art!

Thank you to everyone who played along. It was fun to see that so many people put so much thought and time into these photos. Well, most of them, anyway. (I'm looking at you, Diane.) Hopefully soon there will be another contest that will let me gather more fans. The prize will most likely be one of the following:
  • iPad 2
  • $500 gift certificate to Zale's
  • $1000 shopping spree at Wal-Mart
  • three day, two night trip to Flushing, Queens
  • $20 at Piperlime
  • a dinner with The Bitchy Waiter at TGIFriday's
Thanks, everyone!


anthy said...

ur next contest would really be awesome :) i'd really be interested telling everyone about it :)!!

Mary A. said...

Sigh. I can't believe more people didn't like my butt.

Congtatulations Diane!

donna freakin' reed said...


Hayley said...

Yo Diane, I'm really happy for you an' Imma let you finish...but Suzie had the best submission of all time...of all time!