I get a lot of photos from people who want to share little bits of their jobs with me. I got these two photos on the same day showing how vastly different tips can be from customer to customer. As fellow birthday girl Lisa "Blair Warner" Welchel says, "You take the good, you take the bad, you take them both and there you have: the facts of life."
Anyway, back to me. May 29th is a great day to be born. Don't believe me? Just ask these other people who share my birthday:
- John Hinckley, Jr.-the guy who tried to kill Ronald Reagan
- Annette Benning- cool lady with an old husband
- LaToya Jackson- my dream prom date
- Bob Hope- legendary comedian (Pull out your Ouija board to ask him, because his ass is way dead)
- John F. Kennedy, Jr.- (Ask Bob Hope to ask JFK how he likes his birthday.)
- Melissa Etheridge- lesbian
- Melanie Brown- Spice Girl
Thank you for being so awesome.
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You're always good for a laugh, thanks!
That second picture, while to me suggesting the server needing some makeup tips (or so thought the stingy patron), brings up something I've never understood as a server...
Why in the hell do people tip with change to make a whole dollar amount? People do this in restaurants and at the gas station, like that little bit of math makes your entire checking account in to clean whole numbers...
It's annoying and pointless.
I just noticed that both tippers did that. lol.
I guess I could wish you a happy birthday, too!
Sorry for blowing up your comments!
A happy and healthy birthday to my favorite waiter, actor, and soon to be famous author! Love ya!
Happy Birthday!!! to a very talented and funny writer who makes me laugh on a daily :)
Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Bitchy... Happy Birthday to you!! (Sung very loud & off key, but with great feeling) I hope you have an bitchin birthday!
P.S. Have you seen Men In Black 3 yet? If not, you must go soon! There is something that happens in the last 2 minutes of the movie that I SWEAR you had to have written! You probably didn't but it will give you a great topic for a future blog post!
"..placed me in a bread warmer.." I laughed so hard. Thx!
Hey, what's up Bitchy Waiter? you have a kick ass blog. You're genuinely entertaining and as a result, I have made you one of my food stories nominees for excellence in storytelling. You can see my post and the details at the address below.
I forgot to tell you happy birthday... ...I do remember your birthday because it's so close to mine so it's easy... ...but I forgot like an idiot...
So happy birthday!!
Happy Birthday!LOL...wrapped me in an apron...placed me in a bread warmer...
Happy Birthday!
Lisa Welchel is so awesome -- not only is she an 80's icon, but she is now a Christian SAHM scrapbooker who probably never says fuck. She says nookie, I think.
Happy Birthday Bitchy!
Cheers! Happy birthday, bitch. You have class and style, bro. I Couldn't stop laughing at the day you were born bit. Once you said you would be taking your writing to the next level with your book. That's gonna be a Hell of a book. Will you sign mine? Good luck. Hope your birthday was killer.
Happy birthday! I hope you got tons of presents and at least one great cake.
Happy Birthday, Bitchy Waiter!! I hope your hostesses let all your customers know it was your birthday (mine did for me this year), and I hope you made bank!! :-)
Most humans are annoying and pointless lol. I only mind when they round down and I don't get 20%
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