The people who hire help for special occasions are a rare breed. Most of them would never consider themselves rich, but just by living in a three bedroom, two bathroom co-op on the Upper West Side means they have plenty of money. The majority that I have worked for under these circumstances have been very very friendly. Yesterday, the family was completely nice and made it extremely comfortable for me to be in their home serving them. I wondered if their usual "girl" was off for Thanksgiving which is why they hired me. I was at the sink washing some dishes with this ratty ass sponge so I looked under the sink to find a new clean one. It was a mess underneath that sink and I couldn't find one so I asked my employer. She came over to the sink and said, "Hmmm, there must be another one under here somewhere." She proceeded to dig around and she finally produced a sponge that was not much better than the one I was using. It was then that I thought she is completely unfamiliar with her kitchen. Later on when it came time for me to clean the stove, I asked her what she wanted me to use on it. You know, 409, soap and water, Windex? She had no answer for me. Stumped, she giggled and said, "I dunno what she uses.I guess anything under the sink is fine." Ah ha! So she does have regularly hired help. Since she said she anything was fine if it was under the sink, I used Pledge furniture polish. Kidding. I used Fantastick, just like I do on my own stove, which is the same model as hers but mine is the newer one. My stainless steel fridge with the freezer at the bottom and double doors is also much nicer than hers. Score one for the waiter.
Another time, I helped serve for a three year old's birthday party. Same kinda deal; a big expensive apartment on the Upper East Side. I showed up and the maid was there and it was my job to assist her in any way she needed. The lady of the house was in a panic because this birthday party needed to be the bestest most amazingest three year old birthday party ever. She had bought this huge cake with Barney on it, but they had colored his stomach yellow instead of the normal green color. She was livid, because everyone knows that dinosaurs are purple and green not purple and yellow, right? The party was going to be ruined! So she had her husband remove all the yellow sprinkles from Barney's stomach and then replace them with green ones. The only problem was that she didn't have a jar of green sprinkles. She had multi-color sprinkles. So she had her husband go through and separate all the green sprinkles from the jar and start to redecorate the Barney stomach. The husband thought it was ridiculous. So did I. And so did the maid. After about twenty minutes, he finally put his foot down and told his wife, "It's a cake. For three year olds. They'll get over it." Meanwhile, the maid and I cut the fruit, set the table, cooked the apps, cleaned the kitchen, made the finger sandwiches and decorated the room. The wife got dressed. When the first guest arrived, the apartment looked perfect. "Oh my God, this looks great! I don't know how you manage to find the time. How do you do it?" The woman put her hands out with the palms up and shrugged her shoulders while tilting her head and grinning. (Do that: hands out, palms up, shrug shoulders, tilt head, grin. Got it?) The lady's answer? "I dunno. I just make a plan and follow through." At this, she tossed her hair and laughed. The maid and I looked at each other and rolled our eyes. The party was a huge success. And no one gave a shit about the color of Barney's stomach. Yep, those folks who can hire help are an interesting group.
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No waay hahah that's insane....
Nice. Lady needs to get the stick out of her ass and realize that she should worry less about impressing her friends with the cake.
Also, there is an award for you on my blog.
I'm keep reading your blog and thinking, "He's making this shit up. He's making it UP." But I know you aren't. Which is why I keep reading.
Word veri: catershe
I once served Christmas dinner for a family of 10ppl - same deal - used to hired help. The guy was pretty wasted and tried to uncork a bottle of wine that retails for a couple of hundred $$. He broke the cork and handed it to me with - "can you toss this out?". Thinking back, I could have just stashed it and enjoyed it later but I was honest and went and found a decanter and rescued the wine. His wife then praised him for thinking of that and of course he took all the credit - jackass!
While I'm all for people making something of themselves and living the high life, people who have no clue what it's like to clean a toilet just irritate the hell out of me. They take it all for granted and turn the proverbial nose up at anyone beneath them. I'm glad your day was at least worth your while. Great story on Barney too.
I'd have just told the kids that Barney's stomach turns yellow when he gets really, really sick and may die! Happy Birthday!
Barney sucks in any color!
thats some funny shit! haha barney lady really needs to be slapped.
and people have coffee on thanksgiving? i guess it makes sense..hmmm..just never thought about that.
That? is why my kids don't get birthday parties. People think we are jehova's witnesses or something. We're not -- i just hate birthday parties and birthday party moms.
it is great you can keep a good attitude working for richies...
their sense of entitlement kinda pisses me off...
f-ing barney anyway
bruce johnson jadip
stupid stuff i see and hear
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