I went to work last night assuming the good mood from the night before would just carry over to the next day. Working in a performance space, the type of show is what affects the audiences and therefore my tips. Last night's was some French/Brazilian/New York World Music kinda shit. His fans were really into it, but there were a few things they were not into at all: making reservations, showing up on time, manners or tipping. We had reservations for 17 people which is easy for one person to handle. By the time the show was over, they had mushroomed to 40 people which is very difficult for one person to handle. If these bitches had made a reservation, then we would have had two servers on. Over half of them showed up after the show had started making it really impossible to keep a routine. They dragged in ten or fifteen minutes into the performance. I assume they were still on European time or something, but I thought the time difference was a few hours or something, not 15 minutes. Of course they were all rude when they got there because they were already missing some of the show like it's my goddamn fault they were late. And they could not grasp the two drink minimum concept. I ended up putting a lot of $5.00 minimum charges all over the fucking place. Here is the conversation I had with booth 6 which had two minimum charges on it:
Foreigner: Err, pardon me, but what is this ten dollar charge here?
Bitchy Waiter: We have a two drink minimum as we told you at the beginning of the show so I had to add the minimum charge.
Foreigner: But we had two drinks, a seltzer and a Cabernet
Bitchy Waiter: Sir, it's two drinks per person, not per table.
Foreigner: (grumble, grumble, grumble)
Does this dude really think that's gonna fly with me? So if I crammed eight people into the booth, he thinks they could just get two drinks, a straw and call it day? No, asshole, that would be 16 drinks. Of course, he didn't tip me.
Booth 3: Three girl with last names that had no vowels in them. Their check was $137 and they wanted to split it three ways with three separate cards. Apparently they really like that number because each of them only left me $3.00. Crap bitches.
Table #14: The man was fasting for Ramadan and could not even drink water. We were cool with that and I didn't charge him even the minimum charge since it's for religion and all. His friend though had only one glass of wine so she got one minimum charge. He was not pleased but she wasn't fasting, right? No, she wasn't. Their bill was about $35. They left me three bucks.
At the end of the night, I hated everyone there. The performer gave me a copy of his CD when he left. Like that would make up for the three twenty dollars bills I was making that night even though I was non-stop in the weeds the whole night. A CD. That's just great. Who the hell even buys CD's anymore? I'll regift it the next time I am forced to be in some lame ass Secret Santa drawing.
Foreigners: please tip at least 15% or you perpetuate the stereotype and we continue to hate waiting on you.
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Love it.
oh god it is SO annoying! Is the USA the like only country that tips?!?
Tipping is ALWAYS a must.
ok so the performer was French, and they aren't really European they're just rude...
and no the USA isn't the only country that tips but it is the only country that makes their wait staff live off tips mkay!!
Love from a European fan; yep one from the little island that does tip!!
Now, I am not making excuses but in europe most have price fixe meals there and I realize this was a show thing? I bet they thought the cover charge was the 'tip'? just guessing.. hey, wouldn't doubt if they are cheapos...
I've always heard HORRIBLE things about foreign tippers from friends that have waited tables. Not all of them are bad but a lot have left bad tastes in peoples mouths. It sucks you got left with such crappy tips.
Yes! I feel your pain. Our restaurant is down the street from a foreign language school that sponsors exchange trips. So they alllll come to our place to practice their English....but not their tipping skills. Myself and another waitress plan to blitz the school with flyers about how to tip.
Try waiting tables at airport on Maui - mostly foreigners - was a rough time smiling.
I tip at any restaurant I go to. I make a point of tipping at least 15% when I'm strapped for cash, and generally more when I'm not - unless my server is a douche. There was one point where I handed my cash tip to the -bus boy- who was of more help during the hour I was there - and there was no excuse, the place was empty at the time, yet I saw my server only three times, and spoke to her only once.
The bus boy ended up getting me my drink refill (twice) and ketchup for my younger sibling.
I also make a point of carrying complaints to the cook - not my server. I go to the same few restaurants often, to avoid having complaints, but once in a while, I go somewhere new - and I'm well aware that almost none of my food related problems are my servers fault. Given that I frequent the same four places on a monthly basis, I find it behooves me to tip well. I see a lot of the same people, and even if the service is lacking when I start going to a restaurant, it improves once I've got the reputation of being worth the extra effort.
And if the food was good enough to keep me coming back, it only makes the experience better when the service matches.
Hello from Australia! Until reading your blog I had no idea that:
1. It's compulsory to tip in the USA
2. Waiters make practically nothing
Here even the minimum hourly wage is at least $12/hour for anyone over 18.
So if I were to come to the USA before reading your blog I would not have tipped my server...but now I know better!
As a lowly foreigner, I feel cheap If I don't leave a healthy tip
Your swear words are so simple, yet effective. You make me laugh every time!
By the way, when I worked as a housekeeper in Yellowstone, the Europeans tipped me regularly (and Americans don't typically tip the maid). I would find money under the pillow, ashtray, etc. Interesting!
No, they do not. This is universal, unavoidable, and hopefully you won't have to deal with too many totally-out-of-touch-non-US performers that bring in these people. 15 minutes late is customary, although tipping is not. The performer(s) should have known their audience would not get going until at least 30 minutes in. And, although I respect other religions, the Ramadan or whatever guy saw the show, so he pays. That was gracious, and avoided another "discussion" on a night when you needed nothing but a glass of wine or two!
Just read your whole blog like it was some sort of foul-mouthed novel of awesomeness.
I have never waited tables, but my sister has and so no one in my family would dare tip less than 20% for reasonable service.
Also, I think that we might be separated by fewer than 6 degrees, since my sister's roommate was from Victoria and I think I am also in my mid-twenties. So that makes me awesome too, I bet.
My hubs is from Australia, and when he first came over the first thing I told him is YOU HAVE TO TIP! He makes a point to this day to ask me if what he's tipping is enough, and I'm happy that it's usually more than 15%. I taught him well lol. As for his mates who come visit the States, that's the first rule he tells them when they ask for advice. Maybe we can spread the word all over the world that servers get $2.13/hour in some states?
This is sad. I live in Pakistan, and me and my friends ALWAYS tip waiters. I mean I've never even thought about not tipping them, whether it be a fancy restaurant or a fast-food place. We complain about the high prices, but have never failked to tip.
We had a group of 50 or so come into Friendly's one day. Two of us split the party thinking we would make bank and took no other tables for awhile. They were from Canada...and left us about $6 to split!!
I feel your pain. Where I work, its on the same street as a tourist hotspot in Orange county ny. Foreigners seriously fly over just to come here Nd they take buses in hundreds from the city. We get a lot of foreigners and it is give or take. Some tip generously well while others leave 10%. They are just like many of the other stereotype tables we get.
I'm from Europe and no we do not tip. The way we think: "The waiters get their salary, and hey, the drinks were expensive enough".
When I'm in US, I'm aware of the tipping system. But I too would leave just 3 bucks (considering that I only bought some drinks). 15% is waaay too much! For instance, if I spend fairly much on a couple of meals in a restaurant, with the 15% tip, I could already by myself another dessert at least.
BR from a reader in Finland.
Sorry, tipping's difficult when it's not customary.
I usually stick to $5 when I come over. Fuck working out 15% - if we're not from America, we're on holiday. Who does maths on holiday?
Sorry bitchy waiter ... my family do tip ... just gotta hope we don't spend more than $50 at once, right?
This has no doubt been mentioned in every other damn waiter blog that has all the same things to say about tipping, but the foreigners that end up in our restaurants aren't 'normal' people. I mean, they aren't blue collar or even server-type workers; they're people who are wealthy enough to travel. Therefore they're the foreign country equivalent of the clueless hummer-driving, plastic surgery-ridden, affluent types you see stateside. So don't apologize for generalizing about 'foreigners'; you're still just generalizing about 'bad diners' in general, ya know?
Also while 8 an hour isn't much, you could be making serving wage (2 or 3 an hour) elsewhere, and the tips (even when shitty) do bring you up to 10 or 11 an hour on a normal day, I'd wager.
I don't tip and I'm American. I usually get the feeling from most waiters/waitress that they look at their customers as paychecks rather then people. If you don't make enough money being a server you can quit. I too once worked a minimum wage job and unfortunately for me, society didn't deem me worthy of tips. I worked at McDonalds by the way.
I do tip 15% when on vacation bet hate the attitude of tipping in america. Why cant people pay their staff, its your establishment thats gereedy and guess what or where they are from. To be fair, the responsibility should be on the establisnment to pay their staff or put in a fixed price.
Got a problem, take it up with your employeer. The problem is you have so many south americans who are willing to work cheap that you are replacable if you want a higher wage. Guess what thets the employer's greed and he's most likely american. :)
Oh wow, if only someone had mentioned sooner that if waitstaff just spoke to their employer and asked to be paid a living wage that they wouldn't have to depend on tips so much.. oh yeah nothing would change. It is how it is, and no one would like to change it more than the actual workers in the service industry. In the meantime, tip or stay home. If you can't abide by the simple rules of civilized society that the rest of us have established as things we do because we don't like feeling like assholes, you're going to get spit in your food the next time you're seen. Just accept that as fact.
I love you.
I teach ESL, and my students are hated wherever they go. They argue that it isn't their obligation to tip, but the employers, and that they have to watch their money because they can't work. Then they jet off to NYC or LA for the weekend. One guy tipped 10 cents because he didn't like the food. Others don't tip because they drink was already 5 dollars.
I tried explaining to them that the "expensive" drink goes to the bar, not the bartender, and that waiters live off their tips, and you are paying for the service.
The argued that they would rather it just be included, then complained when the gratuity was included because they had a table of 10.
As someone who tries to teach them English while competing with their constant iPhone texting, even I am treated like The Help that shouldn't make eye contact, so, spit in their drinks. Drop their food on the floor in the kitchen. They have it coming.
If you can't follow the customs of the country, get the hell out, or go to McDonald's where you don't have to tip.
Y'all better tip 20% at least.
Don't be desperate you pig, Smile at Customers so their hard earned cash is worth being spent because You are not a Friend that someone can give free money (that you don't deserve)
Dance on a poll if you are not satisfied. Okay?
We don't want racist Cunts like You to survive! Where do you think You come from where don't Your Ancestors came from foreign lands. You didn't grow like a mushroom.
You are Trash, and You are not longed for this world, I rather give 20% percent to the Homeless, the poorest, and the unfortunate, that MAKE up the large percentage of the American People.
Ever thought of that Asshole? That there are more People poorer than You in the USA, Even I know that.
You make Me sick, I hope there is a boycott in tipping on EVERYBODY, because assholes like You don't deserve support, for the sake of the Poor in America.
Tipping is Only for Good experience all round not waiting tables, Tips should be in the food prices, instead of cursing at Us Europeans then put up prices in the menu so the awkward moments of ranting due to lack of tips is not an issue - I said it before, for example a San Pellegrino limonata is $4 when in normal retail price it is $1.50...it is all about being clever, so You are cursing on foreign people for being behind, when in fact it is Your economic development is screwed. I can see how Greed is really setting in You Folks.
I would not tip No one extra with my Hard earned Cash out of my Own blood and fucking sweat that gives me a bad experience/bad attitude/ bad food.
Students, unemployed, children, the Elderly, the underprivileged don't have to pay tips to waiters, takeaways, cabbies, bellboys, because it is not their fault.
Heart is better than Money tips, why? Because they will remember You and will come back for You, and You might gain more than you lose.
Shame On You, Shame on You for losing Your soul over tips, when there is always another night, or increase the menu prices to solve this dilemma.
Sickening racist Pin dick
You Suck!
Tipping use to be for Show offs and Braggarts, now it has become a culture of guilt and bullshit of what others think of you, and pretend you are the elite when nobody isn't. Tipping culture has gone to far, and waiting staff, cabbies, bellboys are begging - now I know why there is so much poor citizens, numerous tips are daylight robbery to the working class.
USA is probably the only One that doesn't put tax on their menu prices for waiting staff, and You get needle dick bitchy waiter aka Y'all better tip 20% should protest to their employers to add tax on menu, join a Union, and campaign to the white house on strike for Better pay or nobody gets fed, instead he gets racist on Foreigners.
In England there use to be tips given, but restaurants and takeaways got clever, last year in Cafe Giardino a small bowl of pasta cost £12 that is $17.64 and a cappuccino £4.89 which is $7.19, it is much cheaper to make by myself...however I was happy to pay extra than the retail price because I am in a relaxed environment, fresh italian food, the waitress or waiter including the cook don't need to stress about bonus tips when it is meshed as the menu price of food unobtrusively, everybody is calm and at peace, and You want to come back. It is Good Customer psychology, by Law which was in the TV commercial recently everybody gets paid £7.60 per hour as average living wage that is $11.17 per hour. That is the law or employers will be sued.
Employees protest and campaign to the government and strike to see how important restaurant and takeaways are, that is how you get fair pay, the government should serve You because You put them in power to SERVE YOU. So You can get the best living wage. But there is no need to bitch at foreign people, we forgot how lucky we in a Good Country that takes care of people. But it starts by speaking up to the Boss and the Government to protest, and contact your union.
No use in bitching and yap yap yap being rude to the whole world when you don't take action to make a stand along with others like You.
That is Your opinion even if you are a racist to people in general besides the point that foreigners don't tip or can't tip, but if You look at the situation objectively your employer is to blame for not finding a way to pay you better, and your government to serve you. I don't remember any American workers being on strike along with their union representatives for average living salary per hour on the news Ever.
Except Firemen very long time ago. That's it.
I came across recent American articles; dated 2014, that Tipping should be banned, for the sake of the unemployed, low income earners, Students, Children, the Elderly, I support Tipping Ban for that reason.
And Waiting Staff, service workers should stop being greedy, vitriolic and lazy, as if the world owns them something, get off their fat ass and campaign to the government for $20 to $30 per hour as average wage part time or full time.
Nobody is going to do that for You except yourself.
I'm a Tour Guide on a Double Decker Bus...proven fact .....foreigners don't tip. I think the service industry needs to do more to inform these folks that tipping is expected for proper service....We work hard.....I see this all the time....visitors to my city....they expect above and beyond from me and I don't mind because I want them to have a good time. BUT when I get stiffed.....that's beyond insulting.
I don't understand why you go out to eat at places with 'mediocre'food and $4 pellegrino. STAY HOME IF YOU CAN'T AFFORD TO EAT OUT. Obviously you care nothing about having an EXPERIENCE. That's what going out to eat is about - great food and great service/experience. If you get both, why the problem with tipping? OH, THAT'S RIGHT - CUZ YOU CHOOSE TO BE AN IGNORANT PERSON who goes out to eat mediocre food. Oh, and Not all foreigners leave bad tips. But majority of those who leave bad tips know what they are doing, they leave with a sense of guilt ridden all over their face.
Go eat st McDonald's if you don't want to tip
Go eat st McDonald's if you don't want to tip
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